Preparation Mode

Coffee brewing is the process of turning coffee beans into a beverage. While the particular steps vary depending on the type of coffee and the raw materials, the process includes four basic steps: raw coffee beans must be roasted, roasted coffee beans must then be ground, ground coffee must then be mixed with hot water for a certain time and, finally, the liquid coffee must be separated from the machines used.

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You can set the mood for your whole day if you have a good cup of coffee in the morning. Nine simple rules will help you make your perfect cup of coffee every time you want, right in your own home. Brewing coffee is easier than you think. The simple things, like storing your beans correctly and using the best filter will prevent unwanted flavors and bitterness. It doesn’t matter if your morning coffee is prepared with your own grown beans, an elaborate brew process, or a supermarket blend with a drip coffee maker. Following these basic rules will result in a delicious, satisfying cup of coffee every single time.

For brewing coffee at home, there are three standard methods. The favorite way for a lot of people is the classic drip coffee machine; however, pour-over coffee at home is becoming more popular. Also, the French press is becoming an easy favorite as well. The first thing in making your coffee is weighing your ground coffee. Using measuring cups, spoons, or coffee scoops will yield better results. The general rule of a good coffee cup is to use 15 grams (1 tablespoon) of ground coffee per 236 ml cup.

How to make coffee?

Making coffee is very simple; it only takes three simple steps, and those steps are, depending on what coffee maker you have got. Our example here is making coffee for the filter machine, which usually everybody has, besides Moka pot or Ibrik.

Here are some necessary steps to make a perfect coffee assuming that you’re not making it with an automatic coffee machine:

How to make french press coffee?

The french press coffee is easy to prepare, very delightful to taste with a cylindrical pot that has a plunger and built-in filter screen that presses the hot water through ground coffee. That’s the beautiful and straightforward French Press, method of choice for many people all over the world, creating an earthy rich taste in your daily cup of coffee.

The secret for french press coffee is all in the grind, choose medium with uniformity and consistency throughout. The very coarse grinds may clog the filter, while the excellent grinds will pass through the filter resulting in muddying.

Make the coffee like a beast:

How to clean a coffee maker?

If you do not clean your coffee maker as often as you should, it can lead to yeast and mold. 50% of these household machines contain fungus and mold that makes it more germinating than the bathroom faucet handle. If you want to make sure to don’t drink any of the germs or coliform bacteria this appliance has been known to grow, there is one essential rule to follow:

Removable parts need to be washed at every use!

This part is crucial because it helps in removing coffee grounds. The clean grinds allow the coffee to pour more easily and removing the oil left behind will also help in receiving a more creamy coffee. You can hand wash at the sink all of these removable parts, with warm and soapy water. However, if you have a dishwasher, these parts are not damaged at higher temperatures.