Roaster’s Choice Seasonal
$ 7.95
Our latest Roaster’s Choice Espresso is a blend of the wonderfully complex Santa Josefita from the Lima Family in El Salvador, and the Alvaro Sarrias micro-lot from La Capilla farm and Don Alvaro in Colombia.
The Santa Josefita is of the Pacamara variety and displays wonderful white grape acidity and an incredibly clean cup. The wine-like acidity, coupled with a smooth velvet body and silk like mouthfeel creates a very stable espresso as it is. However, when blended with Alvaro Sarrias, the Josefita creates the perfect base for a bright, punchy, and well-balanced espresso.
The Central Cooperative of Coffee growers of Huila (COOCENTRAL) positioned in the Pital municipality in the Huila department of South-West Colombia works on the implementation of sustainability and speciality coffee in the farms of associated producers. Don Alvaro’s farm, La Capilla, is located 1630m.a.s.l and through continued investment, the Sarrias family have developed the infrastructure to produce exceptionally high-quality micro-lots and improved traceability of their coffees.
We roasted this coffee with every espresso lover in mind. Whether you prefer it straight without milk or as a flat white, we are sure you’ll fall in love with this floral yet balanced coffee. This blend is sure to keep the traditional lovers happy with a golden, silk mouthfeel, and will capture the explorative espresso drinker with bright red fruits, wine like acidity and a complex ever-changing cup.
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