Latin American

Latin American coffees are grown along the mountainous spine of Latin America, from southern Mexico to the south, to Central America, Colombia, and Bolivia to Peru, as well as in the mountainous areas of the larger Caribbean islands and on the plateaus. of Brazil. At best, classic Latin American coffees show bright, lively acidity and a clean and simple cup. They offer what for a North American is a normative experience of good coffee.

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The first country who’ve met with coffee was Brazil in 1727 and became a huge name in global coffee production. And he is still one of the largest coffee producers worldwide. There is a huge difference between the North and the South part of the continent. Both in the circumstances and the processing methods.

The first coffee plant that came to North America was in the early 18th century, although the drink was not really popular in America until the Boston Tea Party in 1773 when they switched from tea to coffee.

The Civil War and other subsequent conflicts also contributed to the increase in coffee consumption, as soldiers relied on caffeine for energy recovery. It may have started here a little later, but Americans love coffee just as much as the rest of the world. Teddy Roosevelt himself is one of America’s great coffee drinkers, as they rumor a liter of coffee a day! Roosevelt is also said to have created the famous “Good to the Last Drop” slogan at Maxwell House after serving him coffee at Andrew Jackson’s historic home in the Hermitage, Tennessee.

By the late 1800s, coffee had become a world commodity, and entrepreneurs began to look for new ways to take advantage of the popular drink. In 1864, the Pittsburgh brothers John and Charles Arbuckle bought Jabez Burns’ newly invented self-emptying coffee bean roaster. The Arbuckle brothers began selling pre-roasted coffee in packs of paper per pound. Their coffee was named “Ariosa” and was a great success when it was sold to American western cowboys. Soon after, James Folger followed suit and began selling coffee to California gold miners. This has impressed several other big-name coffee growers, including Maxwell House and Hills Brothers.