Five delicious coffee liqueur recipes
The best coffee liqueur recipes
Do you have one of those days when a shot of caffeine just isn’t enough? And a glass of your favourite drink won’t do either? Why not combine the two?
Because almost every problem in life can be solved by caffeine with a bit of alcohol, below we share five homemade coffee liqueur recipes to cure whatever ails you.
1. Homemade Kahlua
Introduced in 1936, this popular Mexican offering is the best-known coffee liqueur. Traditionally made with four simple ingredients – rum, coffee, sugar and vanilla bean – you can easily prepare this tasty drink yourself.
The next time you feel like drowning your sorrows in a White Russian or a Coconut Kahlua Latte, add a little creativity of your own.
2. Kahlua Plus
Is the original Kahlua just not strong enough? Then ramp it up a bit with this recipe. This homemade coffee liqueur replaces coffee with espresso (rarely a bad idea) and adds a few shots of chocolate liqueur to indulge the taste buds.
Try pairing it with vodka and chocolate milk for a bit of joy in a glass.
3. Something spicy
Make your coffee liqueur the perfect winter warmer by adding a few herbs. Adding cinnamon and cloves to the already pleasant flavours and some fiery vodka makes this an ideal cold-weather speciality or a perfect homemade Christmas gift.
Try pouring it over a mud pie or stirring it into hot chocolate for a bit of luxury. Sit comfortably in front of the stove while you enjoy this delicious drink.
4. Creamy liqueur
From the muggy heat of Mexico to the cold dampness of Ireland – coffee liqueurs are genuinely a global treat. This recipe combines Irish whiskey with heavy cream and sweetened condensed milk for a hearty, rich base.
Add a little coffee, some cocoa and a hint of vanilla, and you’ve got something close to an adult milkshake.
5. Keep it simple
Does all of the above sound like a fussy way to dilute and hide your favourite coffee and drink? Then this might be the perfect coffee liqueur recipe for you.
If you can call an infusion of two ingredients a recipe. Soak the coffee beans in the vodka, and perhaps relax in a warm bath yourself. All your worries will disappear.
What is your favourite homemade coffee liqueur?
And they were. Five different recipes combine two delicious things into more than what they can offer separately. Take this as a starting point and get even more creative with your own additions. This may be something for the next rainy weekend.
Have you tried any of these recipes or another favourite coffee liqueur recipe? Be sure to leave a comment below.