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    Zombie land

    Africa: black continent. Home of the voodoo priests and shamans. But also the cradle of humanity and the origin of coffee.

    According to legend, "Kaffa" was discovered in 1671 in the southwest of what is now Ethiopia. Shepherds had noticed at the time that goats were more active than others after eating a bush. Today we know: It was probably a Robusta shrub that absorbed the power of the continent and transformed it into small bundles of energy. Bundles of energy that we call coffee beans today.

    This black gold has been refined over thousands of years: more sun, more nutritious soil, and a reduced bush height led to the strongest caffeine concentration in the world. Depending on the quality, today's Robusta beans are used in a wide variety of coffee types. Only the finest, on the other hand, make it into the strongest coffee blend: the zombie coffee.

    zombie kaffee boxes

    Brings the dead to life

    Zombie coffee is the strongest coffee that you can legally buy on the German market. While its pitch-black, South African Robusta beans have long been considered an insider tip by insiders and those who are thirsty for performance, it is only now available for normal mortals.

    There is also a reason for this: After all, zombie coffee is really not for everyone. First tests with 100% Robusta beans led to increased hyperactivity in test subjects in combination with prolonged waking phases. That is why Zombie Coffee is now available in three different strength grades, which are recommended in order to get used to.

    Zombie coffee is not available for children and should be kept out of the reach of children. It should only be consumed by caffeine connoisseurs - in reduced doses. Liability for possible long-term consequences of excessive consumption (which corresponds to 1/3 of the regular amount of coffee) is excluded.

    Specialist forces

    Volker Beckert and Stefan Andorfer, two passionate entrepreneurs, created Zombie Coffee, the strongest coffee in the world. Not least because of my own interest in caffeine. And they had support.

    Zombie Coffee was developed by corporate executives and headbangers, kung fu masters and football professionals, web designers, and feng shui consultants. From pilots, bodyguards, and DJs. From people whose passion is life. Who does not ask the question of how many days life has - but how much life there is in the day. For whom no party is too long and no incentive too hard. Who love to perform. Who are not stingy with ideas. Those who want something special and achieve even more. This is us: The developers of Zombie Coffee.


    Zombie coffee and the highly concentrated caffeine it contains are highly addictive. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about risks and side effects.