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    The Boy & The Bear - Coffee Roastery was established by founder Andres Piñeros in 2012 as a pop-up shop in Villavicencio – Colombia with the goal of exclusively serving Colombian coffees. The ambition of our new coffee brand was to develop close relationships with our coffee farmers and work directly with our the people who source our coffees. The relationships we build create trust and a mutual standard of excellence. We believe transparent and honest connections builds a better world for both for us, delivering and enjoying exotic, and rare specialty coffee in Los Angeles, and for our amazing farmers who produce top-quality coffee in a country that delivers some of the best coffees in the world.

    Andres Piñeros moved to Los Angeles CA in early 2013 with the sole goal of establishing the brand in a city primed with curiosity for premium coffee.  He could see the growing swell of momentum for specialty coffee and knew the industry had barely scratched the surface of potential for world award winning Colombian coffees. 

    The first official storefront in Redondo Beach CA, opened its doors in 2016. Two years later, The Boy & The Bear was able to bring another shop to Culver City. By the end of 2019, TB&TB opened its third location in beautiful Westchester CA, a welcoming neighborhood 5 minutes from LAX. The warm atmosphere of our shops bring the palpable magic of the Colombian culture. And, at all locations, we are proud to offer the best Colombian coffee experience.