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    Through thick and thin, coffee has always been the glue that’s held our family together. Long before we ever dreamed of our own roasting company, we spent most of our free time trying coffees from all over the world. All the best and worst days end up around my parent’s kitchen table with coffee brewing. We’re easy people, we’re good people, and we’re always there for you.

    We like our coffee the same way.

    We brought our kitchen table to Sacramento in 2010. Now we roast right here start to finish with our family. As our company has grown our family values have impacted every decision we make. Around that table we sit and discuss just about every detail of our company, from the farms we purchase beans, the clean air roasting process we use to roast our coffee, to the quality of products we carry. We have these discussions so you don’t have to. We offer a brand that you will never have to second guess. As a company our family values trickle all the way down the line and end up right back where they started, in a good cup of coffee.


    Thank you, from the whole family!

    David, Stephanie, Prudence, Jon & Emily