Rwanda Hingakawa Women’s Coffee
$ 41.63
Variety: Bourbon
Region: Gakenke District, Rushashi
Altitude: 1700 – 1900 meters
Process: Fully washed and dried in raised beds
Hingakawa means let’s grow coffee! This is the third year purchasing coffee from the women’s cooperative in Rwanda and this year’s crop is one of the most unique we have tasted. With notes of rooibos tea, cooked strawberry, and caramel we couldn’t pass up giving this one a go.
The Hingakawa cooperative was born out of struggle and genocide in Rwanda. The 961 women of Hingakawa came together to battle poverty and make something of their community. Formed in the early 2000s in the Gekenke district, the women took it upon themselves to fill the void of a workforce that was decimated by civil unrest in the mid-1990s. The result is an outstanding crop of coffee that we at Anchorhead are proud and thankful to have access to.
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