Mexico San Pedro Yosotatu

$ 21.21

Location: Oaxaca

Elevation: 1700-1900 masl

Variety: Bourbon, Typica, Mundo Novo

Process: Washed

SKU: 822061E008A4C6CA8 Category:


What we like about this coffee: This coffee is not only one of our favorite coffees from Mexico year after year, it has become a favorite across our entire 12-month seasonal menu. The small producer group of Yosotatu, led by Madelina Lopez, have become incredibly skilled at continuing to find ways to improve what was already an exquisite coffee. We love the complexity that is packed into the middle of this coffee, the juicy fruit qualities, the spice qualities, the round body that delivers all these flavors in perfect harmony. This time of year, chances are you’ll find Yosotatu in our mugs. Enjoy!

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