Kenya Othaya FCS Mahiga
$ 20.98
Mahiga Factory is part of the giant Othaya Farmers’ Cooperative Society (FCS). The FCS is a co-op located in Othaya Division, Nyeri County. Founded in 1950 Othaya FCS is the largest cooperative in Nyeri County. The cooperative boasts approximately 15,000 members with roughly 2000 ha under coffee.
Othaya F.C.S. comprises numerous factories including: Thuti, Chinga, Mahiga, Kagere, Gatuyaini, Kamoko, Ichamama, Kiaguthu, Kiruga, Gichichi, Iriiani, Gatugi, Rukira, Kiaga, Gura, Kagonye, Kamoini, Karuthi, Gitundu and Kagunduini.
Mahiga factory has around 500 active members who deliver cherry to it. The farmers collectively have less than 100 ha under coffee.
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