Honduras Sergio Enamorado
$ 115.31
Sergio Enamorado is back at Huck, and after some serious covid-related shipping delays, we are psyched to finally roast this coffee!
We were lucky enough to visit Sergio in early February, and it was great to see just how dedicated he and his family are to quality. Sergio’s son, Sergio Jr., is just as passionate and almost as knowledgable as his dad, and the extended Enamorado family works together to make all of their coffees better.
Most of the extended family – grandfather Pedro Moreno, father Encarnación Enamorado, cousin Evin Moreno – live and farm in the village of El Cedral on Santa Barbara mountain. Each family member processes their coffee separately, but they all share the same processing compound and equipment, including a depulper, washing tanks, and parabolic drying beds. Pedro and Encarnación oversee drying and a small nursery for the extended family, and when it comes time to harvest one family member’s farm or another, Sergio’s able to lean on Evin for help, and vice versa.
There’s plenty to love in this coffee, whether you like chocolate- and nut-forward coffee that pairs well with milk, or if you flock to the fruity and bright. Toffee and almond are front and center for you classic coffee lovers. But there’s also some plum-like fruitiness that lets Sergio’s coffee dip a toe into more adventurous waters.
We’ve been looking forward to Sergio for a while, and are glad to finally share it with you. It’s our final Central American coffee from the 2021 harvest, and it’s a good one.
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