Green coffee Ethiopia Sidamo

$ 13.90

SKU: 1610562163A71D5AB9 Categories: , , , ,


Ethiopia is considered the cradle of coffee. In individual regions, an admirable variety of “wild” coffee can still be found today. High quality is achieved through a special cultivation method, in which the forest in which the wild and planted coffee bushes grow is thinned slightly, but with particular care so that the forest structure is not affected. The noble Ethiopia Sidamo coffees impress with their unique flavors.

This coffee comes from the Arabica Ethiopia variety and corresponds to the very good grade 2 quality – washed.

Flavor Profile:

Medium body, hints of blueberry fruit, light citrus aromas, chocolaty finish, well-balanced acidity. A very nice fruity-chocolaty coffee specialty for the afternoon.

This green coffee is very suitable for all roasting devices!

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