Gaslamp – Blend Of Medium And Dark Roast Coffee

$ 16.73

Whole Bean Coffee – Sold in 12oz Resealable Bag

Origin: Indonesia & Guatemala (Achilles Blend)

Variety: Bourbon/ Typica/ Catimor

Roast: Medium Dark

Altitude: 1400-1500 MASL

Tasting Notes: Chocolate, Nutty Caramel, Brown Sugar


Gaslamp is a blend of our dark roasted Sunset Cliffs and the medium roasted coffee that we rotate seasonally. It is the only blend featured on our extensive Pour-Over menu. The combination of these two beans brings a balance that is difficult to obtain with a Single Origin.

The Sigri Estate, located in Papua New Guinea, was established in the 1950s and is recognized for producing gourmet coffee equal to the World’s finest for over 20 years. By blending this with a medium roast, we are bringing out brightness in the coffee that can’t be achieved on its own. Just like in our espresso, these beans work in harmony to make an incredibly well-rounded cup of coffee.

As one of the most lively and bold communities in Downtown San Diego, Gaslamp is the perfect name for this invigorating blend. The Gaslamp is an essential part of the San Diego food culture and nightlife. We recommend this blend to anyone who is first visiting our shops.

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