El Injerto, Huehuetenango, Guatemala
$ 8.02
Finca El Injerto is undoubtedly one of the most prestigious coffee farms in the world. The Aguirre Family has been farming coffee on this beautiful site in the Guatemalan highlands of Huehuetenango since 1900. Third and Fourth generation farmers Arturo Aguirre Sr. and his son Arturo Aguirre Jr. have elevated the farm to new heights. The have won the Gold Medal in the Guatemalan Cup of Excellence 8 times and an additional 13 Top Five medals since 2003.
Finca El Injerto is absolutely breathtaking in natural beauty and showcases the Aguirre’s innovative, harmonious, and sustainable development of this treasure. The farm rises from 1500 meters to 1920 meters which provides for many unique micro-climates and different terroir. The Aquirre’s have used this diversity to experiment with many different coffee varietals to expand their portfolio of award winning coffees. They are a “Rain Forest Alliance” certified farm growing the coffee trees under a canopy of Inga, Macadamia and Gravillea trees. Additionally, they are the first “CO2 (Carbon) Neutral” certified coffee farm in Guatemala.
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