Anaerobic Natural Worka Chelbesa

$ 100.42


Here we have the third Worka Chelbesa offering with a unique processing method from Atlantic Specialty; Anaerobic Natural Worka Chelbesa.

In anaerobic natural processing ripe coffee cherries are added, whole, to large airtight tanks and left for 48 hours. During this time, natural fermentation breaks down sugars in the coffee cherries which produces lactic acid, carbon dioxide, and unique flavor compounds. Some of the most unique flavors we have experienced in coffee come as a result of anaerobic fermentation. 

After 48 hours, the cherries are removed from the tanks and spread thinly across raised beds. As the sun and wind dry the fruit and skin of the coffee cherry, further fruity flavors are imparted to the seed and are noticeable as the coffee is roasted and brewed. 

This coffee tastes of bold fruits that excite us! In this coffee we find the pronounced flavors of strawberries, milk chocolate, and juicy blackberries.

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