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    Sample Coffee is a deliberately small business that believes in the power of little things making a big impact.

    Thinking about tomorrow’s coffee ritual makes us just as excited as a kid before a school trip. And we acknowledge that this feeling is only made possible by the dedication of many individuals. From the grower back at origin to the roaster here at home; every tiny part counts.

    Our daily work focuses on offering a consistently high-quality coffee experience in balance with a responsible business practice based on respect, generosity, and joy. We do this by being present, paying attention to the small details and investing in long-term relationships with those who also care about their communities and lands.

    From little things, big things grow.

    We source, roast, brew and serve the coffees we dream of drinking every single day

    Sample Coffee is about sampling the diversity offered by different coffee fruit species, growing conditions, and processing methods. Just like it happens with wine, there’s a world of flavours, aromas, and nuances to be experienced in every cup. Our mission is to share with you the excitement of discovering new coffees, thoughtfully produced from seed to cup.

    The journey matters as much as the outcome

    We enjoy discovering new and exciting coffees, but we won’t cut corners to do it. Our practice is based on responsible development, not only considering the social and environmental outcomes of our decisions but acting and continuously evolving so they are the best they can be.

    We continue to learn and share our knowledge

    We love staying in touch with our community to share our progress, inspire them to action and start conversations about coffee, business, culture, and sustainability. We do this through our digital platforms, events and workshops.

    Coffee is our life

    This translates into a team of staff and wholesale partners that take their job seriously, respect coffee as much as we do, and pass on this joy.