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    How we elevated coffee, health, and your day

    We LOVE coffee. It's a ritual that starts your day off and brings you to that happy place of energy, productivity, focus, and emotional wellbeing. If you want to feel your best, then why not feed your body the best source that you can find? That's why Lifeboost Coffee was born.

    We believe it's possible to drink the highest quality of coffee (that actually tastes good) while paying our farmers fairly, using sustainable farming methods, AND protecting our wildlife.

    Lifeboost Coffee

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    The Healthiest, Tastiest Coffee Possible

    Hi, I'm Dr. Charles Livingston, CEO, and Co-founder of Lifeboost Coffee.

    As a Chiropractic Physician with thousands of hours in nutritional research, I would always tell my patients... "Garbage in equals garbage out" which is an easy way to say, that the nutritional building blocks that you feed to your body, are what your body will assimilate into healthy cells. And lots of healthy cells become a healthier YOU.

    Coffee is no different. Since it is something that 50% of the U.S. puts in their body on a daily basis AND it's the #1 source of antioxidants in the U.S., it's Lifeboost's belief that you should put the cleanest source that you can find into your body. For that reason, we use a process called TrustPure which is our roadmap for finding you the healthiest, tastiest, stomach-friendly beans on the planet!
    Lifeboost beans are:

    • Single Origin to avoid cross-contamination of molds, hand-selected high elevation, and shade-grown.

    • Even though our main roasts are certified organic, we 3rd party test for mycotoxins, molds, heavy metals, pesticides plus 400 other toxins to ensure you are getting the cleanest beans we can find.

    • Our stomach-friendly, low-acid coffee beans are naturally grown to full maturity (ensures the most nutrients enter the bean), sun-dried, and gently washed with spring water before roasting

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    What Makes Lifeboost Great

    1. CLEAN - 80% of the time, but clean foods AND clean beverages in your body such as Lifeboost coffee. The other 20% of the time, enjoy life and treat yourself!

    2. CAUSE - Support something you believe in. We support the farmers, their families, and their communities. We also definitely support sustainable farming methods, wildlife protection, and our first responders.

    3. CONNECTION - Coffee connects us. Whether it's conversations with friends or family, business meetings, or simply just spending time with yourself. Life is about connection.

    4. KINDNESS - We believe that in order to make the world a better place, it all comes down to treating people how you would like to be treated... with LOVE, HONOR, and RESPECT.

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    Lifeboost Coffee

    Frequently Asked Questions About Lifeboost Coffee

    Where to buy Lifeboost coffee?

    You can buy Lifeboost coffee on their website, on Amazon, on Cafendo and you can find them in different online stores.

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    Is Lifeboost coffee worth it?

    With Lifeboost, you get a lot in return for your money’s worth: a very clean, organic, single-origin, and shade-grown coffee brand.

    How much Lifeboost coffee per cup?

    The amount of coffee per cup depends on the brewing method and personal preferences, yet the international standard is 250ml and the preferred water to coffee bean ratio is 250ml to 15g of fresh coffee beans.

    Can you buy Lifeboost coffee in stores?

    Lifeboost Coffee is not available in any physical retail stores at the moment, it is only available online.

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    What is Lifeboost coffee?

    Lifeboost is a thoroughly ethical brand, heavily focused on health and environmental sustainability. Being renowned for its low acidity, the brand doesn't sacrifice flavor or texture for comfort, instead, it comes with increased benefits.

    How to brew Lifeboost coffee?

    Lifeboost recommends experimenting with different flavors and adjusting ratios depending on your personal preferences. 

    Does Lifeboost coffee come in K cups?

    Lifeboost K Cups do exist, and they are one of their hottest selling items. The pods are made from plant fibers (100% compostable) and are compatible with both Keurig 1.0 and 2.0 machines.

    Where is Lifeboost coffee grown?

    Lifeboost sources its coffee from small farms in or near nationally protected areas of Central America, Nicaragua. It is grown to full maturity in the canopy of guava trees at over a mile above sea level.

    Where is Lifeboost coffee located?

    Lifeboost LLC is located in Noblesville, IN, United States.

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    How to make Lifeboost coffee?

    For pour-over, you will need to work with an approximately 1:12 coffee to water ratio. While brewing with a coffee maker you can experiment between a 1:8 and 1:12 ratio. Brewing with a French press requires the use of less coffee to achieve the same result as a coffee maker. The AeroPress method uses a finer grind of coffee and a brew ratio of 1:15. For Cold Brew, use a coarse grind and a coffee to water ratio of 1 to 8. 

    Is Lifeboost coffee low acid?

    Lifeboost coffee is extremely low in acid, easy on the stomach, and great on your teeth. 

    Is Lifeboost coffee organic?

    The coffee beans grown without pesticides are certified bird-friendly, organic, Fair Trade, and shade-grown. 

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