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The Good As Gold Story

For over 50 years, Good As Gold Coffee has embraced and celebrated the diversity of coffee, people, and community. Looking back at our history, our premise of offering “Coffee without Ego” derives from our love for coffee and the need to make it accessible rather than keep it exclusive to a select few. And now we jump back to the beginning.. a long time ago. The year was 1969 - This was a time when percolators and canned coffee were the things until a father and two sons (me being one of them) introduced commercial drip coffee-makers and pre-measured packs to the workplace. 

1973- I took a six-month trip throughout the Middle East and Europe, which opened my eyes to the many ways of enjoying this great beverage. This trip put into perspective the global culture and community surrounding coffee. After my return, we opened our first retail location called “Old World Coffees & Teas”. The goal was to educate people on coffee and tea origins and introduce them to unique brewing methods such as pour-over methods like Melitta and Chemex, Bialleti’s stove-top espresso, french presses, and SEB Moka pressure espresso machines, and more. 

In the 70’s our office coffee service flourished, and while my brother left to pursue his love for the cafe business, my father and I continued to expand upon the restaurant-hospitality sector and introduced “by-the-pot” grinders and whole bean coffee programs.

1983 - Good As Gold moved to 115 Green Street in Worcester, MA, our current home. Although we enjoyed our specialty coffee stores, we decided to focus on our growing coffee service business and expand our product lines. With the knowledge gained from our cafe experience, we were able to better assist our customers in identifying the products and services needed to help their businesses thrive. 

The ’80s was an eventful time for Good As Gold. Our business was growing and we developed a wonderful relationship with the Borgatti’s who owned Spag’s in Shrewsbury, MA. We proudly displayed our coffees on those shelves, opened a café outside their “Old Schoolhouse Building”, and had our first hand in private labeling with their “Spagtacular Blend”. 

The ’90s - With the rising popularity of single-cup coffee makers in the office emerged our now decade-long relationship with Flavia Brewing systems and Lavazza. It was during this time that our president (both at the office and at home) Pat Goldman joined the team! 

The 2000s have been an exciting time for Good as Gold.  An enlightened generation of coffee drinkers entered the workforce and with both of my sons Michael and Jay on board, we’ve expanded into new ventures and a new era for Good as Gold Coffee Roasters. 

Good as Gold Coffee

2015  - Although Good As Gold has had an excellent reputation for quality and service, we felt, it was time to separate ourselves from the many Roasters in the United States. It was at this point when we commissioned our new custom fabricated Air-Roaster, engineered and built with advanced technology to ensure the most consistent roasts. This is our key to offering coffees that convey taste beyond compare! 

At the heart of it all, Good as Gold is about family. There is a lot of love and passion that is carried throughout everything that we do. It is our staff, customers, and our community that has allowed us to follow our passion for the past 50 years, we’re thankful for you and look forward to many more years of good relations.