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    Our Mission & Values

    In the mountainous rain forests surrounding Matagalpa, Nicaragua, coffee farming is an intrinsic part of the culture.

    For generations, farmers have grown some of the best coffee in the world, lovingly tending the terrain, coaxing their shade-grown crop to fruition and sending its yield ~ savory, high-quality “jo” ~ to points around the globe.

    Fara Foundation, an American nonprofit based in Austin, Texas is an extension of that stewardship, a bridge between the two countries, pairing international resources with the needs of Nicaraguan families and providing aid in four areas: healthcare, food assistance, education and elder care.

    We provide healthcare, food, education and elder care, creating a circle of stewardship. The medical needs are particularly grave in this region, especially with regards to the prevention and early detection of cervical cancer, the number one killer of Nicaraguan women over age 30. We also focus on breast cancer and vascular and varicose-vein disease.

    Our Focus

    Fara Foundation, an American nonprofit based in Austin, Texas is an extension of that stewardship, a bridge between the two countries, pairing international resources with the needs of Nicaraguan families and providing aid in four areas: healthcare, food assistance, education and elder care.