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    In 2003, Adam moved back to Newcastle and began roasting coffee in the Hunter Valley with husband and wife team, James and Lynn Couchman-Frame. Their operation, Bliss Coffee was an award-winning coffee roastery and espresso bar in the Hunter Valley Gardens originally established by the Roche Group.

    Adam gained the basis of his green bean knowledge from James whose family owned coffee plantations in PNG and from Lynn who’s Father, Andy managed coffee farms and production facilities in India. Andy would later go on to start Campos Coffee in Camperdown before selling to current owner Will Young.

    To this day, James is currently working for Will as chief procurement officer heading up the buying team at Campos and Adam and James remain in close touch sharing coffee knowledge and industry insight.

    In 2006, Adam was approached by Newcastle roaster Peaberry’s to come on board as the head roaster, a role encompassing green bean acquisition, blend development and roasting volumes on a commercial level.

    In 2012, Adam and Trent started working on what would eventually become ‘Darks’ and in 2014 registered the business and set up our roasting lab and warehouse which brings us up to this date.