French Coffee

Coffee and espresso are incredibly popular caffeinated beverages and a fairly discussed topic. A person’s coffee consumption is just as likely to be a personal ritual as it is a regular part of their daily routine. Whether you drink coffee or espresso for caffeine or for pleasure, this guide covers topics ranging from brewing tips, different technologies, coffee history, popular drinks, and our recommendations for some of the best equipment available.

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The French Press is known as a cafeteria or coffee plunger, and it’s probably the most underrated method of brewing coffee. However, everyone seems to have one at home; it is easy to brew coffee and also cheap. Besides, regarding the name, it may be surprising that an Italian invented the French Press called Attilio Calimani in 1929. Also, a very similar coffee brewer was first patented by two Frenchmen, Mayer and Delforge in 1852. 

But what is a French Press?

The French Press is an infusion coffee brewer where the water and coffee steep together. This fusion helps with producing a more uniform extraction. Most methods of brewing coffee are when the water passes through the grounds. This unusual method is what makes the French Press stand out, because of its different brew methods. 

Another unique aspect of the French Press is the way the coffee grounds are filtered from the brewing liquid by using a metal mesh. The mesh has large holes and allows non-soluble material from the coffee to get into the cup. However, this is not a bad thing, because you can get a little of the coffee oil and some tiny grounds of coffee in the cup which will result in a bigger and richer body and texture of the coffee. This method is what makes the French Press interesting. 

The different brewing option is designed to achieve a more great brew with a minimum amount of coffee sludge. This method requires more effort and patience, but you will be rewarded with a great coffee cup that will give easy access to all the unique flavors and characteristics of the coffee. 

How to make coffee in a french press? 

The usual ratio for French Press coffee is 75 g/1; however, it is recommended to have a slightly higher proportion of coffee to water when using an infusion brewer. This method will produce a brew that has strength similar to a pour-over brewer. The grind should be medium/superfine, but people grind their beans very coarsely when they want to brew in a French Press. However, this isn’t necessary unless you want your grinder to produce very fine coffee ground, and if you want your brew to turn quickly into a bitter coffee.