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For many years, the San Franciscan Roaster Company has hand-built the most beautiful and robust commercial coffee roasters available in the market today. Based in Carson City, Nevada, our company is proud to be an American legend. But what does it take to become an American legend in the specialty coffee roasting industry? Not only do we build all of our roasters by hand in order to guarantee quality and longevity, but we also play our part in the betterment of the specialty coffee community. We are devoted to serving you in the most complete way possible. When you add a San Franciscan roaster to your coffee shop, you become a part of an ever-growing family of specialty coffee enthusiasts. We look after one other and provide opportunities to help our peers gain knowledge, experience, and opportunities in the field of artisan coffee roasting.

The San Franciscan Roaster Company for the Betterment of the Community

Not only are inclusiveness and diversity crucial for the specialty coffee community to thrive, but they’re also necessary for the survival of the community at large. The San Franciscan Roaster Company is devoted to promoting environments where people from all walks of life can succeed and, most of all, feel comfortable and at home. Our network, which has grown organically over the years, includes growers from South America, Africa, Indonesia, and New Guinea, coffee graders, and distributors as well as coffee house owners and roasters. Our team has been a part of the specialty coffee community for many years. We can proudly say that the San Franciscan Roaster Company manufactures machines for coffee enthusiasts by coffee enthusiasts. When you purchase a machine from us, you're not only adding the best coffee roaster to your business; you become part of the San Franciscan Roaster family!

Proud Members of the Specialty Coffee Association

As proud members of the Specialty Coffee Association, the San Franciscan Roaster Company bolsters the SCA’s core values in every regard. Collaboration is necessary for the coffee industry to be as sustainable as possible. We go above and beyond in order to nurture a community of like-minded individuals, teams, and companies. As members of the SCA, the San Franciscan Roaster Company remains loyal to the community. We provide high-quality machines as well as SCA-certified training. The San Franciscan Roaster Company is full of Q graders, roaster-instructors, and coffee enthusiasts who strive to grow relationships within the coffee community.