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LagoCafe - handmade coffee roaster:

Our goal is to share the joy of these special coffees with as many people as possible and to raise the coffee culture in Hungary to a higher level. We are constantly expanding our offer.

handmade roastery lagocafe


Our roasting master roasts each type of green coffee according to a unique method, as our coffees come from different countries (Colombia, Brazil, India) and individual roasting profiles are required to achieve the desired aromas and flavors. Our coffees are roasted for longer and in smaller quantities, resulting in a more even roasting. You will find more information below about the difference between industrial and artisanal roasting.

lagocafe beans


Just like in cooking, quality is an important ingredient in coffee roasting. Your coffee is roasted from a selection of hand-harvested green coffee, the known origin of which guarantees its special flavors. 

lagocafe green beans