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Selectively Sourced

Alpine Coffee has spent decades in Cameroon. We have been the exporter, importer, broker, and roaster. This allows us to pay above-market prices to our farmers, and still bring our customers real value by eliminating so many middlemen, and their markups. Our goal is simple. We just want to make the best coffee drinking experience at the most competitive price possible.

Alpine Coffee searches the world for the best coffee. We directly from the source any time we can. Unfortunately, some countries don’t allow Direct Trade. 


Most roasters can’t buy full containers at the source. This is what helps Alpine Coffee keep your costs down. There are many other benefits to buying directly from farmers. We prefer to work directly with a group of farmers. We go there and find what we can do to make their lives better. Sometimes it's helping to provide solar electricity so children can study at night. Sometimes it could be helping to provide organic fertilizer. In most cases, we're able to help establish a certified organic program.


We're always good neighbors, and help where we can. In turn, we are able to buy their entire crop year after year. This keeps the coffee very consistent, and since we offer so many single-origin coffees it is really important we buy from the same farms. This helps us maintain our consistency.

In each exporting country, there are several regions where coffee is grown. Each region has certain flavor notes that differ from one region to the next. Ethiopia is most famous for its three distinct areas. Farm to farm and even year to year there are noticeable differences. Our original owner, George Yost, is a certified SCAA Q Cupper who still contributes to making some buying decisions in Camaroon. In many cases, he is cupping in remote areas with no labs, and sometimes he uses a simple open fire and a pot. The best coffees often come from lesser-known areas.


After cupping, grading and buying, all coffees are shipped to Colorado for roasting.

Carefully Crafted

Every single cherry is handpicked by our farmers. Then carefully sorted to ensure only the highest quality beans end up in our roaster at high altitude, in Colorado. This endeavor shapes every step of our process, from partnering with our farmers to roasting by hand, to serving your customer with the best coffee.

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Our Roasting Process

The high altitude of Colorado provides a slower roast. Slow is always better. The slower we bring the beans to temperature, the more consistent they are throughout the entire bean. Our Probat 90 solid cast drum roaster is preferred over any other roaster ever made for Artisan Coffee. Our roasters have been crafting the world's finest coffees for decades.

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Cupping Coffee

In Cameroon, we lovingly cup every bag of coffee we buy. The farmers in Cameroon do their own wet processing. In Cameroon, each farmer keeps their coffee separate from other farmers. We're able to sort out defects and acquire micro lots with spectacular flavor you wouldn't otherwise be able to enjoy.


We cup over 2,000 samples, each year. Each bag is numbered, and a corresponding sample from that bag with the same number goes to the cupping room. We sell off the low grades and have only the best grades that end up with an Alpine Logo on the bag.