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    Aharon Vaknin opened his Beverly Hills flagship coffee roastery and cafe with one guiding principal: The Joy of Coffee.  A certified Q Grader, Aharon applies his breadth of professional knowledge, his finely-honed culinary intuition, and above all, his love and passion for coffee, to every detail of the roasting process. 

    When people ask if Aharon offers a dark or light roast, he likes to answer that our method of roasting is the “right” roast for each bean. It falls around the medium area on the roasting spectrum - never a dark roast. Why? Because the darker you roast the bean, the more you burn the natural oils of the bean. (Read our blog about Why Aharon Coffee is the Best Coffee in the World to learn more!)

    Bottom line, burned oils do not produce delicious coffee. High quality coffee will be both flavorful and healthy when it is roasted correctly. Also, the darker the roast, the more the caffeine is burned out of the bean (making the coffee less caffeinated). As a result, a dark roast can never embody the true wonderful essence and highest flavor potential of the coffee. 

    At Aharon, we roast our coffee exclusively using authentic artisan small batch roasting methods. Our roasting technique enhances the roast development of the coffee bean, allowing the natural oils of the bean to reveal the full palate of flavors that each coffee embodies. 

    In addition to our authentic small-batch roasting method, we guarantee that the way we handle the coffee once it’s roasted is unlike 95% of the other roasters around the world. Due to this, the integrity and flavor of our fresh-roasted beans are never compromised. Our methods enable our coffee beans to remain as such - with uncompromised flavor and quality -  for up to 2 full months or until the bag is opened.

    aharon coffee and a coffee bag