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Torrefazione Morandini has always wanted to convey the love of coffee with each of its products, spreading the culture of good espresso.

Caffè Morandini

Coffee and the territory

The coffee plant belongs to the category of mega terms, a shrub that needs temperatures exceeding 20° C to be born and grow.

The most fertile soils for its cultivation are those between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, lands characterized by a particularly hot climate and frequent rainfall.

The most common types of coffee are Arabica and Robusta: to grow and bear fruit, the former needs a temperature between 17° and 24° C, at an altitude of 600-1800 m; the second, on the other hand, is cultivated around 800 m of altitude and thrives at temperatures between 24° and 30° C.

Arabica and Robusta are evergreen plants with continuous transpiration and do not have mechanisms that control the dispersion of water. For this reason, they need a continuous supply of water: in particular, in the equatorial areas, where there is no clear distinction between the rainy season and the dry season, the plants receive water constantly and the fruits (called cherries or drupes) sprout all the year.

The Processing

At the end of the harvesting phase, the grains are separated from the pulp according to two methods: “dry” processing or “wet” method.

Caffè Morandini

Dry processing

In dry processing, the fruits are left to dry in the sun for several days. Once ready, thanks to dehulling machines, the grain is extracted. They are then left in special tanks where they are cleaned of pulp residues and the fermentation process begins. Only then are they washed and left to dry again in the sun.

Wet processing

Wet processing ensures that the grains (defined as "washed") preserve their organoleptic characteristics in a much higher way than what happens with dry processing ("natural" grains). Only after the subdivision by size, the coffee beans are placed in 60 kg jute bags. At this point they are ready to be exported.