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A family in love with coffee. The story of Caffè Martella could be summed up with these words and, as often happens, when a good story is told, there is always a grandfather at the beginning. A grandfather led by an idea and by the will to make it happen. Azeglio Martella was born in Marino, a small town near Rome, in 1895. He was a restless and imaginative character and after several experiences and having survived two world wars, at the beginning of the 1940s, he opened a grocery store selling also coffee in the surroundings of Rome.

The international airport of Rome and … a dream bound to become true.

Freewheeling mind, always ready to joke with the customers and always looking for more to offer to them, Azeglio studies in depth the coffee business.  He wants to be a leader and, in 1950, he opens his first bar. He chooses to open it in Ciampino, a town on the outskirts of Rome that hosted the then only international airport of Rome.

Caffe Martella People arriving and leaving from Italy and from all over the world transformed  Ciampino in a multicultural center that represented an enormous stimulus for Azeglio and for his desire to create a new, different product, capable of being appreciated by everyone. This is the reason why the first machine is installed in the bar backroom in order to experiment new blends and to roast the coffee. He does not know it yet, but he has just founded its roasting company. The success is immediate. The bar is located in the center of Ciampino and soon becomes the center of Ciampino itself.

A family business with an international claim.

Azeglio’s imprinting expands to the whole family, children and grandchildren collect his legacy and transform the original roasting into a company that produces and distributes coffee first in Italy, then all over the world. The original spirit and character are still there. The enthusiasm for innovation and the search of quality are the highlights. The familiar approach to the business provides sympathy and service to all customers. The informal approach is very much appreciated and valued and becomes the strength of the company.

International awards.

Over one hundred roasters competed in 2008 for the title of best-imported coffee in Germany. The prize, sponsored by SCAE, directed by Dr. Steffen Schwarz, goes to Maximum Class blend, Caffè Martella’s flagship. That’s the full recognition of a qualitative professional path started 70 years earlier.

BIO Coffee.

Fair trade and environment friendly attitude are not for us just empty marketing catch phrases, but facts. 2016 BIO Caffè blend is born. This project, which has been studied for more than a year, aims to make the entire supply chain transparent, to track every single step and to be effective and supportive. The blend has been created to prove that “Bio” can assure the greatest quality.  A special espresso is special under every respect.

Caffee Martella taste

Renewables energies.

It sounds like the obvious conclusion of a long journey. We can proudly say that from this year the entire production relies on 100% renewable energy sources, as per Garanzia d’Origine G.O. that confirms the environmental sustainability of our plant, that is compliant with EU/2009/28 and with Energy Authority ARG/elt 1004/11, it follows Carbon Sink protocol, as per international certification Gold Standard.