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    Our story began in 1930 with the opening of a store located on Carrera 4 with Calle 11. In 1974, in the municipality of Candelaria (Vale), we inaugurated the first large factory for the production of roasted and ground coffee.

    Inspired by the faithful principles of social function, personal growth, and community well-being, it supplies the national and international market for green or processed coffee (roasted and ground or soluble under the highest standards of quality and control) to meet the expectations of the end consumer and commercial chain.

    With a humanistic vision and community respect, to make the industrial option of the Torrecafe Aguila Roja Family Family safe and viable, growing vertically and horizontally in the participation of the category of coffee and other food products, nationally and internationally. Consult the needs and degree of satisfaction of our production chain and society, when we develop our corporate purpose, to generate an effective approach between the business promise and what is expected of Torrecafé Aguila Roja & Cia. SA

    Aguila Roja Coffee