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    Somewhere in a less comfortable location, farmers are picking coffee cherries that are used for your morning cup. Since 2015, we at Branch Street Coffee Roasters have dedicated ourselves to listening to these farmers, and our patrons alike, to provide a unique experience for everyone who walks through our doors. Behind each cup holds immense flavour profiles and the story of the cultivation & sourcing from farm to your table.

    We are an independent coffee roaster with two locations in Youngstown, Ohio. As we continue to build a bolder future of coffee culture in the Northeast Ohio Region, we also yearn to cultivate a community encompassing patrons and coffee shoppes in the greater area. Our staff has furthered this by finding partnerships with fellow cafes to use our beans and expertise in their shoppe to generate the conversation about how coffee is more than a transaction.

    Here we only want to improve the day-to-day lives of those who walk through our doors, to culture a sense of comfort and intrigue by the coffee we produce- welcome home.