What is Aeropress coffee?


Because people have already become acquainted with specialty coffee and many appreciate those small coffee shops that serve real magical liqueurs, the ways to create the desired coffee in your own home have become more and more diversified. Those who have become passionate about coffee have discovered that they can buy their favorite coffee from specialty stores and play with grinding it and creating coffee through various methods.

One of these methods is to use an extremely practical device called AeroPress. It is that type of extremely simple device that manages to impress most coffee lovers with its features.

It is true that it is difficult to get a coffee at the level of those created by a really talented and experienced barista, but AeroPress offers you the opportunity to try to find that favorite variant of coffee even when you do not have time or the means to visit your favourite cafe.

About AeroPress

AeroPress is a device recently invented by an electronics engineer, inventor and professor at Stanford University named Alan Adler. Frustrated that the devices on the market to create a good cup of coffee either took too long or had a pretty bad end result, he struggled to create another type of device for his use. This is how AeroPress was invented, which was launched on the market for sale in 2005.

What makes AeroPress the favorite device for many coffee lovers? First of all it is a cheap device, and then it is small and easy to handle and transport. Especially people who are always on the road appreciate it for the fact that it is made of plastic, so it does not break during transport, but it is also small so it takes up little space in luggage.

AeroPress consists of a loading chamber (a container), i.e. a plastic tube, a plunger and a lid with a double role, because in addition to sealing it also plays the role of filter. In order to use AeroPress you also need its special disposable filters, water, a kettle to heat it and, of course, coffee. If you have the opportunity, it is good to have a coffee grinder so that you can play and experience the various grinding variants because they will influence the final product.

What factors influence the final product created with AeroPress?

Although AeroPress is a very simple device for making coffee, there are certain elements that can influence what you will get in your cup.

The ratio of poured water to the coffee used is an important factor. The more ground coffee you use, the more intense, stronger the coffee will be. The problem is that too much coffee can unbalance the taste a lot and can create a very bitter infusion, devoid of other taste or other subtle notes.

The temperature of the water is also important because it will cause a faster extraction of coffee the hotter it is. Another factor is mixing water, stirring it, but it is not highly recommended because it is not a factor that you can control effectively.

The other factors that contribute to the creation of a coffee with the help of AeroPress are related to the way the coffee is ground, as a result it requires that you already have a grinder. The finer the coffee is ground, the shorter the brewing time of the coffee. The brewing time is important because the longer it is, the more aromatic the coffee is, only you will have to grind the coffee longer.

What types of coffee can we create with AeroPress

AeroPress was originally created to make a cup or two of espresso. But because its users have proven to be inventive and eager to experiment with all the items listed above, now you can get a variety of types of coffee with the help of this device. Moreover, you can create those coffees that the barista creates in your favorite cafe, but at home.


In order to obtain an espresso that resembles that of a barista, you will have to start from the choice of coffee, more precisely roasted coffee beans, but not ground. They will need medium or medium to dark roasted coffee because this type of frying is perfect for espresso.

Because the secret of a perfect espresso lies in its special, intense, chocolatey aroma, you will have to allow a longer infusion time. So it grinds the coffee a little bigger, contrary to the way it is usually ground for espresso and leaves a longer time to brew. Also avoid shaking or stirring.


Cappuccino starts as usual from an espresso coffee that we create according to the above method. In addition, it contains a layer of heated milk and on top of milk foam. The classic recipe says you have to add 1/3 espresso, 1/3 heated milk and 1/3 milk foam.

As long as the coffee is brewing, you heat the milk. After it has warmed up, you will have to find a way to rub it, that is, to foam it. Either use a rubbing rod or beat it with the aim. After obtaining the foam, pour the milk over the espresso, but, be careful, hold the foam with a teaspoon to initially put only the milk and then add the foam with a teaspoon.


Latte is a kind of American version of cappuccino and is composed of a short or long and wide espresso heated with very little foam on top.

Use AeroPress to make an espresso, and while it is brewing, put the milk on the fire to warm up. Avoid using a rubbing tool because they can create too much foam to use in the case of cappuccino. Beat the heated milk just a little with a whisk and then pour over the espresso.

American coffee

American or Americano coffee, as you will find it even in our cafes, is a diluted coffee. This type of coffee is light and can be consumed at any time and even on the run. If an espresso is the kind of coffee you want to have time to enjoy, Americano can be drunk on the street on the way to the office.

The classic recipe says that you have to use a ratio of 1 to 2, i.e. 1 part espresso and 2 parts hot water. However, it is only a matter of taste. As a result, in order to make an American coffee with AeroPress, you must first create an espresso. Then after that it is ready in the cup, you will be able to add the percentage of hot or hot water you want to reach the perfect dilution for you.

Cold Brew

Because it’s summer and it’s still 35 degrees outside, you’ll probably want to enjoy a Cold Brew as you drink at your favorite craft cafe. AeroPress can help you get a super Cold Brew in an extremely short time. Usually, if you use other methods such as French Press, obtaining this type of coffee will take even 12 hours. The reason is simple: with cold water coffee is very difficult to infuse.

How do you do with AeroPress? Use a measure of ground coffee, then add to the container water at room temperature to 1. Then mix well for about 1 minute, fix the plunger and press slowly. When the coffee is in the cup you can add cold water from the refrigerator to dilute and cool the infusion obtained.


Of course, you will not get exactly the same coffee that your favorite barista serves you, because AeroPress is just a device. But, AeroPress offers you the best quality / price option for your home.