Vanilla Coffee – A Subtle and Sophisticated Flavor


For some, adding vanilla flavoring to coffee seems like an oxymoron — how can something with such a solid and intense flavor be good for something as simple and subtle as coffee? But vanilla flavored coffee is delicious, especially when you consider that vanilla beans are the most widely used flavoring in the world! Here’s everything you need to know about this delightful combination of flavors.

What are the health benefits of vanilla?

Vanilla has been shown to have antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, and antibacterial properties. It also contains vanillin, which has been shown to help improve blood circulation and lower cholesterol. Additionally, vanilla has been used as a natural remedy for nausea, indigestion, and anxiety. One study found that mothers who consumed vanilla were less likely to experience depression during their pregnancy. However, more research is needed before any firm conclusions can be made. Studies on rats show that the extract of the vanilla plant stimulates the release of insulin and glucose into the bloodstream after eating a meal containing sugar or starch, thus preventing sharp spikes in blood sugar levels. The vanilla extract did not affect how much glucose was released when no sugar or starch was present in the meal.

What does vanilla taste like?

Vanilla is often described as having a rich, creamy flavor with hints of sweetness. It’s a popular choice for coffee because it pairs well with the natural flavors of coffee beans. When used in small amounts, vanilla can add depth and complexity to your cup of coffee. You can use vanilla to enhance your next brew:

  • Mix it into ground coffee before brewing.
  • Steep whole beans with an extract.
  • Use flavored syrups or creamers instead of milk.

If you’re looking for new inspiration, try one of these recipes below!

How much caffeine does vanilla have?

While the caffeine content in coffee can vary depending on the beans used and the brewing method, a typical cup of vanilla coffee will have about 95 milligrams of caffeine. That’s slightly less than a regular coffee with about 100 to 150 milligrams of caffeine. But it’s still enough to give you a nice energy boost. Plus, since it doesn’t contain any bitterness from roasted coffee beans, that might be easier for some people to drink first thing in the morning.

Benefits of brewing your coffee at home

When you brew your coffee at home, you have complete control over the quality of ingredients, the beans’ freshness, and the brew’s strength. This allows you to make a cup of coffee that is perfectly tailored to your taste. Brewing your coffee also saves you money in the long run since you will no longer need to purchase expensive coffees from cafes. Finally, brewing coffee at home is a relaxing and enjoyable experience that can be shared with friends and family.

Advantages of using vanilla infused beans/ground beans

Vanilla coffee beans are typically more expensive than regular coffee beans. However, vanilla’s subtle and sophisticated flavor can be worth the extra cost. Vanilla coffee is also a versatile flavor that can be enjoyed on its own or paired with other flavors. For example, you could add a touch of vanilla to your morning cup of coffee or use it to make a delicious iced coffee. Mixing in some hazelnut or almond flavoring is also possible for a unique taste! There are many ways to enjoy this sweet-smelling beverage: cold brews, frappes, and lattes…the list goes on.

Suggestions on using vanilla in other ways besides infusing it into your brewed coffee.

If you’re looking for a more subtle and sophisticated flavor in your coffee, vanilla is a great option. It’s also versatile enough to be used in other ways besides infusing it into your brewed coffee. Here are a few suggestions on how to use vanilla beans in your daily routine: 

1) Add a spoonful of sugar and the scrapings from one vanilla bean pod to an espresso shot. Heat up until sugar dissolves. 

2) Add ground cinnamon, cardamom pods, star anise seeds, and crushed bay leaves to the pot while cooking the rice before adding water or stock; this recipe will give you spicy basmati rice with hints of clove, nutmeg, and allspice, which will complement creamy dishes like risotto or mousse cake. 

c ) Make homemade ice cream by adding pureed strawberries, blueberries, bananas, or mangos to heavy cream (or whole milk), a splash of vanilla extract, and two egg yolks. Whip together over medium heat until it thickens. Remove from heat and cool down for about 10 minutes before pouring into the ice cream maker machine.