Coffee from Nicaragua


What do you know about Nicaraguan coffee? Probably not much. Do not worry though, as we are here today to change that. If we were to describe it in just a few words, this coffee has a mild and fruity brightness and generally tends to have higher-toned characteristics. This means that you will notice more citrus and floral tones, rather than papaya, apricot, or chocolate. If you can taste it already, we suggest following through with our article in order to find out even more amazing things about the coffee from Nicaragua.

A quick history lesson

In Nicaragua, the story of coffee goes all the way back to 1796. This, however, does not mean that export started at the same time. Only half a century later was the rest of the world able to experience Nicaraguan coffee. 

Fast forward to today, this country has been through many ups and downs, but coffee remains one of the main crops that contributes to the economy. Approximately a hundred years ago, the local government heavily supported coffee farming with a focus on quality, rather than quantity. Even though it seemed like a decision that was going to improve the industry in the long term, the U.S. was in the middle of the Cold War and many internal civil wars at the time, an event that had a direct impact on many industries, not just coffee. 

Nicaragua was not about to give up so easily, and by the late 20th century, it had managed to develop tens of thousands of coffee farms where there were about 300.000 workers. The effects of their determination can be observed even to this day. 

Growing regions

Something that makes Nicaragua special in terms of coffee, is that it has many different growing regions, each varying in height, the grown varietals and their levels of quality. 

Jinotega region

The Jinotega region is a well-respected area in terms of coffee production, as it delivers the best quality. Here, you will mostly find Caturra and Bourbon varietals, which thrive in altitudes between 1.100 and 1.700 meters. 

For example, the ”Flor de Jinotega” coffee is grown by the Soppexcca cooperative. It is grown under the shade of banana and mango trees. This creates a well rounded coffee that has a unique sweetness and depth. 

Matagalpa region

The name comes from the city that hosts this region. Here, you will find many estates and cooperatives, that also mainly grow Caturra and Bourbon. The difference lies in the altitude, as here the numbers vary between 1.000 and 1.400 meters. The coffee grown here is also exceptionally good, but because of a slightly lower altitude, the Matagalpa coffee is not considered as good as the Jinotega one.

Segovia region

If you heard about this coffee before, you might have seen it under the name ”Nueva Segovia”. Grown at an altitude between 1.000 and 1.400 meters, it has rich and fruity top notes, with slight hints of chocolate and an almond-nougat-like sweetness. We know, it sounds amazing. This might be the reason why it is very hard to find on the market and is rarely available.  

To highlight these aromas in the best way, you would need to roast these beans to a medium-dark level. If you have been looking for a coffee to sip throughout the day, this one is an exceptional option, if you are able to get your hands on it. 

Elephant beans

Have you ever wondered where you can find the biggest coffee beans on the planet? Weel, the answer in Nicaragua, of course. The ”elephant beans” are a spontaneous variation of the Arabica Typica, and they produce the very large leaves and berries, and, therefore, the biggest beans. 

It thrives in altitudes between 2.000 and 2.500 meters. Even though its first appearance was in Brazil, this mutation has now found its home in Nicaragua, in the small yield of Maragogype.

While the size is impressive indeed, it also has other characteristics. They include a fine body, exquisite balance, bright acidity and clean taste. To fully enjoy it, the recommended roast is nothing more than medium, in the form of a refreshing cold brew, that can be a saving grace in the summer.

Do not trust us entirely, though! You should definitely try it out and see for yourself. In order to do that, you can visit specialized coffee sites like Cafendo and see what they have to offer. Who knows? You might just find your new favourite coffee there!