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    Only the best is good enough for you… and we can't argue with that! After all, your coffee moment is a sacred one. Belmio's very own master coffee roaster selects the very best Arabica and Robusta beans from around the world and creates unique melanges that are roasted and packaged in Belgium.

    Belmio® coffee is 100% made in Belgium!

    belmio made in belgium

    Our aluminium capsules are not only fully recyclable, but they also exclusively contain sustainable coffee. All of Belmio's coffees are certified Rainforest Alliance®, Fair Trade® and/or organic. 

    The little green Rainforest Alliance® frog is a symbol of environmental, social and economic sustainability and can be found on farm and forest products around the world. The label focuses on environmentally friendly agricultural practices and protecting and conserving biodiversity. 

    Fair Trade guarantees proper working conditions and also covers a range of environmental criteria. The label offers financial and other support to farmers and their communities by adhering to a minimum price and paying commissions. 

    Our organic coffees are sustainably grown and harvested and are free of chemical pesticides and fertilisers.

    Select your favourite Belmio coffee from our classic blends, our Flavoured Collection or our organic Single Origin Collection.

    The aroma of coffee rising to meet you tickles all your senses time and again. And that's completely understandable! But still, a large part of that enticing aroma is lost during the process of grinding roast coffee beans.

    Fortunately, here at Belmio®, we do things differently. Our aluminium capsules protect the precious contents from oxygen, light and moisture, keeping the rich aroma locked inside. Why don't you try it out for yourself? Just make a cup of Belmio®, take a step back and prepare to welcome an explosion of flavours and aromas into your home!

    Every capsule of Belmio® promises you an explosion of flavours and aromas from freshly ground coffee. Thanks to our fully recyclable aluminium capsules, you can savour every instant of your coffee moment, from bean to cup.

    • 100% recyclable aluminium capsules
    • Nespresso®* compatible
    • Certified sustainable coffee
    • Made in Belgium

    Our organic coffees are sustainably grown and harvested and are free of chemical pesticides and fertilisers.

    Do you prefer an espresso or a lungo, or are you a cappuccino person? Select your favourite Belmio classic blend coffee!

    Is a cappuccino or latte macchiato your go-to drink? If you like milk with your coffee, be sure to try our flavoured blends!

    For coffee lovers who prefer their coffee without caffeine, we present a range of decaffeinated coffees, to enjoy whatever the time of day.


    Belmio® capsules are specially designed for Nespresso®* machines. They are compatible with most standard models: INISSIA, PIXIE, GRAN MAESTRIA, LATTISSIMA TOUCH, LATTISSIMA ONE, KITCHEN AID, ESSENZA MINI, ESSENZA PLUS, CREATISTA PLUS, CREATISTA UNO, CITIZ, LATISSIMA PRO, KRUPS ATELIER. – checked externally by SGS Belgium NV.

    Belmio capsules are not compatible with professional and built-in coffee machines.

    *Nespresso® is a third-party brand and is not affiliated with Belmoca.