Coffee Recipes


Baby news! Having a nice coffee somewhere with your friends is now a lot more fun for your little one with the arrival of the babyccinno. Actually, it’s more fun and tastier. Because a babyccino is more than just hot frothed milk (something that always goes down well with those kids anyway). So next time, feel free to order a babyccino with your cup of specialty coffee. Or make it yourself at home. I share the recipe with you here. 


In Australia they have known about it for some time and now the new trend seems to be born in our country as well. A babyccino. Or children’s coffee. Or children’s cappuccino. The basis of a babyccino is always hot whipped milk. And just to reassure you: there is no coffee in a babyccino and therefore no caffeine 🙂


Looking for a babyccino recipe? Hold on, here it comes:

The base of a babyccino (or just kids’ coffee:)) is plain (whole) milk. Tip: your little one isn’t allowed milk yet. Then you can also make one with growing milk. Froth up the milk.

Decorate the baby cappuccino with cocoa powder or cinnamon.

And top the baby cappuccino with mini marshmallows. Or buy those fun (and tasty) decorations for cupcakes or cakes. Colored sprinkles always do well, too.