Tips for The Best Cup of Coffee


Feeling like your daily cup of coffee is no longer as pleasant as it used to be? Don’t worry, it is normal to feel like something is missing out after a long time of having the same thing over and over again. Luckily, we have gathered a few tips that might help you add some spice to your coffee and make you fall in love with it all over again.

#1: Spice, but literally

A sprinkle of cinnamon, or even nutmeg, can do wonders to your coffee, not only taste-wise but also health-wise. This fits especially well in the fall or winter, with cinnamon giving that warm, cozy vibe needed so much in those cold days. It also fits well if you drink your coffee with milk, of any kind. 

Besides this, the famous spice has anti-inflammatory properties that will keep you in top shape during the whole day and will help keep under control any health-related issues that have inflammation of any kind as a symptom. 

#2: Flavour wonderland

Cinnamon isn’t the only way to add dimension to your coffee. Other methods include flavored beans, or many different types of syrups, one more interesting than the other. Something you might not have heard about though is adding orange zest and honey. This goes best with coffee all the way from El Salvador, but we are sure that any kind of coffee you have at hand will benefit from this exotic twist.

Speaking of exotic, another way to bring the fresh feeling of a beach to your morning cup is making your own creamer- from coconut milk! The secret lays in the slight toast of the coconut shreds, until they turn a bit brown, before blending them with water, then straining them. Sounds amazing, right?

Another way to add to your coffee is dropping in a few squares of chocolate when it is hot and letting them melt, or a teaspoon of Nutella.

#3: Getting technical

The taste and aroma of your coffee are not only influenced by what you add to it but also by how you store the beans or grounds before extracting them. Of course, the best method that is also recommended by professionals is a vacuum-sealed container, but the good old mason jar will work just as well. 

The twist, in this case, is to make sure that the size of your jar must fit the amount of coffee you have at the time, which would mean that you would have to switch them every week or so, depending on how much you consume. Even though it might seem a bit over the hand, you will quickly realize that it is worth it, when you will notice the impact of fresh grounds on your coffee. Another factor that needs to be taken into consideration is that the jar also has to protect the grounds from light. That’s why a ceramic one is just as good if you have it laying around.

#4: Are you an iced-coffee lover?

Maybe the most common hassle when it comes to ice coffee is having the perfect drink, but the ice cubes dilute it as they melt, severely affecting the taste. The best method you could use in this case is freezing a tray of coffee, then pouring the milk of your choice over the cubes, this way having a guaranteed refreshing drink, without a compromised taste.

For an even more fancy set-up, freeze half-and-half coffee and chocolate milk, which will then melt in a cold, delicious mocha.

#5: Professional equipment: not needed

Ever glared at the milk frothers at the coffee shop and the designs the baristas were able to make, and hoped you could do it at home too? Great news then, because you can! And the best part is, without all the huge machinery, or even a handheld frother. All you need to do is shake the milk vigorously in a tightly sealed jar, which will make it foam, then pop it in the microwave a bit, just to make sure that beautiful foam will keep its shape, and there you go!

#6: Turn coffee into a morning treat

If you ever want to feel even just a tad bit more special in the morning, here’s a fun tip for you: turn your cup of coffee into a popsicle! First, put some milk on top, freeze it, then add the coffee and freeze it too. This makes for a great refreshment on hot summer days or a sweet breakfast on your birthday.

#7: Double-check the basics

If none of these methods worked, you might need to look at the actual way you prepare coffee. Is the method of extraction fit for the kind of grounds you use? Is your water filtered and has the right temperature? Do you clean your coffee machine and/or burr grinder periodically? Is the water to grounds ratio appropriate?

All these variables need to coordinate perfectly, otherwise, you will never be satisfied with your coffee, no matter how much you try to add to it.

We hope these tips came to your rescue and now you will rediscover the excitement of your favorite cup of coffee.