Organic green coffee Brasil Santos

$ 8.10


Brazil is the world’s largest coffee producer (35% share). Coffee is grown there at altitudes between 600 and 1200m. Our Brasil Santos BIO comes from controlled organic cultivation according to EU regulation (EG No. 834/2007).

In addition to individual Fazenda coffees, the Santos is one of the best coffees in Brazil. Incidentally, Santos only refers to the port of loading for this coffee. The coffee comes from the Guaxupe growing region in the state of Minas Gerais, mostly from the Arabica Typica variety (NY2/3, 14up, natural, grain pro).

Flavor Profile:

slightly sweet, spicy, medium to full body, very balanced overall

A low-acid coffee – ideal for breakfast.

Roast recommendation:

City Roast, also suitable as a small addition to espresso blends.

This green coffee is very suitable for all roasting devices!

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