L’or Espresso – Ultimo
$ 5.76
Blended by L’OR Coffee Artists.
Compatible with L’OR BARISTA® coffee machines, and specially designed to be used with most Nespresso®* Original coffee machines, with the exception of U®*, Umilk®*, Expert&Milk®*, Prodigio®* and Prodigio&Milk®* models bought after 25 July 2016.
Ultimo reveals the smoothest characteristics of dark-roasted coffee with balanced intensity. Its fruity notes survive the high roast for an intriguing coffee experience.
Ultimo reveals the smoothest characteristics of dark-roasted coffee, with its balanced intensity – which comes more from its complexity than from the roasted notes.
Despite the deep roast, it carries deeply sweet and fruity notes. Like fruit barbequed in summer, with just enough fire to give it a caramelized taste around the edges.
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