Drinking coffee everyday? Here’s what you need to know


Drinking coffee everyday? Here’s what you need to know

The daily cup of coffee, especially in the morning, has become more than a habit for many people. Similar to a ritual, this moment of the day sometimes can even determine whether your mood will be good or bad, as coffee has become more than an energy boost, it is a moment to yourself, allowing you to connect. But are there any side effects when you do this daily? How is your body influenced?

It increases brain activity 

We don’t need to tell you this already, but the primary role of coffee is, of course, to set off that little switch in your brain that makes you more alert and determines you be more productive, even when you don’t feel like it.

But this fact comes with a best friend, called a happiness inducer. Studies tell us that people who consume coffee daily are a lot less likely to develop depression, as it plays a central role in releasing dopamine in the brain.

Gym buddy

If you started to think about losing weight, you also started considering what aliments should be kept or thrown out of your daily intake. We’re here to give you some good news: not only can you keep coffee in your diet, but you should also do so.

Remember the extra energy we just talked about? Well, think how much it would benefit you in the gym, especially in those days when you just feel like sticking to your bed the rest of the day. Your physical performance will improve, thus making all your efforts even more worthy.

Coffee influences weight loss through your bloodstream too! It basically helps your body absorb- and burn! fatty acids. Do we still need to go on?

Even though it might sound like coffee is your magical answer right now, don’t forget that a healthy diet is still a must.

A little fountain of youth

What are you the most afraid of? For many people, the answer to this question is death, and there are many reasons behind it.

The main one is simply that we don’t know what’s on the other side. This imminent event can be truly scary when our fear of the unknown is basically a human trait. Even though we cannot give you a definite solution for this, we can give you a little ray of hope. Health studies have shown that people over 50 that consume coffee daily have a reduced risk of an unexpected death, thus giving a chance to a longer life.

Better safe than sorry, so keep on drinking!

Your body develops a shield

”From what?”, you might ask. Well, only one of the most frequently encountered diseases these days: type 2 diabetes, alongside its other related issues: heart disease, vision loss, kidney and nerve diseases, and stroke.

In this case, coffee acts as a protector, as it has been discovered that its consumption, even when it is decaffeinated, positively influences the mechanisms responsible for maintaining normal sugar levels in your blood. 

Better memory

With so much information circling us every day, anyone could need it. Coffee’s effects in this scenario have been proved to be available for 24 hours – the perfect excuse to drink coffee every morning! The study that concluded all of this gave a group of people a dose of caffeine before they looked at a few pictures, then they showed them similar ones the next day. They were able to recognize them better, compared to people that have been a part of the placebo group. Who knows? Maybe one day we will be able to talk about forgetfulness as a long-lost impediment of our brain- all thanks to coffee!

Your livers mighty bodyguard

Liver disease is no longer a source of concern when you consume coffee every day, 1 to 4 cups, to be exact. Of course, this works best against alcohol-induced cirrhosis, so if you are a heavy drinker, we might say that coffee has you covered for now, but that is certainly not a reason to forget all the harmful side effects of alcohol when consumed in large amounts, so drink responsibly!

This being said, if you want to make sure that your liver will remain in tip-top shape for as long as possible, coffee is one of the good ways to do so- alongside a healthy lifestyle, of course.

The funny thing in this situation is that caffeine is not the one to provoke this situation, in contrast to the previous one, where it was the main focus point. When it comes to the prevention of liver disease, it has not been yet clearly stated why coffee is such a good ally, but what we know for sure is that it works!

All in all, your body has a lot to benefit from your daily cup, or cups, of Joe. But remember that even the best things need to be consumed in moderation, so be careful not to go overboard. Even though most of the effects are positive, too much coffee can become addictive, which comes with its own issues. With this in mind, raise your cups to the magical potion that is coffee!