For decades, the Cellini group has been producing high-quality coffee that combines the best aspects of ancient roasting with the guarantee and traceability of a certified production process. The experiences of the direct and indirect past, instead of representing a brake on development, have been a springboard for a new innovative spirit that women and men have become bearers of who have worked and still work with Cellini. This increased the quality of their work as part of a project worth working for with passion and interest and the slogan “Cellini.
The life. Passion." was born, in fact, with the intention of representing this state of mind.
Maintaining unchanged the quality that has made Cellini coffee famous all over the world is a challenge that we face every day with great passion. To pursue this goal, Cellini dedicates an entire team to the selection of raw materials. Before the purchase of a coffee origin, a sample is sent to the laboratory, where our experts evaluate every aspect: from the color to the weight, to the size of the single bean, every detail is scrupulously checked. And how can you miss the tasting?
With a technique called "Brazilian style" the sample is toasted, infused, and tasted with a special spoon. Only the productions up to our standards are ordered and then processed, after being subjected to further analysis, becoming the coffee we have, over all these years, learned to love.
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