Blue Latte

Coffee Recipes

Blue Latte


Blue Latte is made with blue matcha powder. This blue variant is made from the blue leaves of the clams flower, which has some health benefits. This plant can improve our memory and reduce stress.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • 200 ml (vegetable) milk,
  • 1 teaspoon blue matcha powder,
  • Biscuit & gingerbread spices, to taste


  1. Heat a saucepan with the milk and the matcha powder. Stir well until the powder is completely dissolved. Add some biscuits & gingerbread spices to taste, if desired.
  2. Pour the mixture into the milk frother. When it is foamed, pour it into a glass.
  3. Make (white) figures in your blue Latte with normal frothed milk.